CHOC Enrichment Program
Advocacy: No one should assume how to meet a persons needs without directly involving them. No individual should be denied the opportunity to try goals that they wish to accomplish. Champion House of Care focuses on person-centered care and know that the rights of our supported individuals matters the most. We will always meet our Champions at their level and praise the attempt. We encourage supported individuals self-advocacy to ensure their right to live the most independent life in any community.
Advocacy: No one should assume how to meet a persons needs without directly involving them. No individual should be denied the opportunity to try goals that they wish to accomplish. Champion House of Care focuses on person-centered care and know that the rights of our supported individuals matters the most. We will always meet our Champions at their level and praise the attempt. We encourage supported individuals self-advocacy to ensure their right to live the most independent life in any community.
Life and Safety Skills
Life Skills and Safety Support: Through plans made with individuals and their families, we work to develop self-determination and self-awareness. We assist individuals with the skills needed to function at home and in the community. Our approach is to provide hands-on learning experiences in natural environments to support individuals through managing behaviors using redirection and positive reinforcement.
Life Skills and Safety Support: Through plans made with individuals and their families, we work to develop self-determination and self-awareness. We assist individuals with the skills needed to function at home and in the community. Our approach is to provide hands-on learning experiences in natural environments to support individuals through managing behaviors using redirection and positive reinforcement.
Vocational Preparedness
Vocational Preparedness: Supported individuals will gain skills of various degree needed to succeed at work or volunteer sites . Meeting the desire for more independence, we provide hands-on skill training such as; finding your interest or niche, seeking and choosing opportunities, how to complete applications, and presenting yourself effectively.
Vocational Preparedness: Supported individuals will gain skills of various degree needed to succeed at work or volunteer sites . Meeting the desire for more independence, we provide hands-on skill training such as; finding your interest or niche, seeking and choosing opportunities, how to complete applications, and presenting yourself effectively.
Community Outings and Involvement
Community Outings and Involvement: We open up the world of our community by participating in local events and day trips for both people with or without disabilities. By volunteering at local businesses we promote inclusive relationships, build confidence, and a sense of pride for our Champions.
Equestrian Therapy
Therapeutic Riding
The benefits of Equestrian Therapy extends to all areas of development for individuals with I/DD. Physical benefits include increased balance, coordination, and muscle strength. In the area of social and emotional development there can be an increase in cooperation and self-esteem. A boost in concentration and attention span are just two of the cognitive benefits.
Therapeutic Riding
The benefits of Equestrian Therapy extends to all areas of development for individuals with I/DD. Physical benefits include increased balance, coordination, and muscle strength. In the area of social and emotional development there can be an increase in cooperation and self-esteem. A boost in concentration and attention span are just two of the cognitive benefits.